We, as a Clark County Magnet School, are honored that you would consider us as an educational partner for your family. We know you seek the highest quality instruction and environment for your children.
Why Choose Lomie G. Heard? ​
First, we begin with Dr. Robert J. Marzano, one of the leading educational researchers in our nation. His 40 years of work has produced a body of research that is leading the way in schools across the country. Lomie G. Heard, in Las Vegas is the first school in the nation to be modeled after his research in what works best for students. Our primary focus is his Competency Based Instructional Model. Learners (students) are assessed and grouped with similarly achieving peers so their individual skill strengths and deficits can be addressed. Learners receive instruction from various facilitators (teachers) throughout their day to better meet their personalized learning needs. One size teaching and learning does not fit all at Lomie G. Heard!

infographic from Idaho State Department of Education
Second, we believe in the necessity to teach our learners the skills required to be qualified for the work of the future. All of our learners in grades 1-5 receive weekly computer programming classes (also known as coding). They are required to use those skills to design programs and solve problems, as well as to participate in the instructive yet engaging task of programing our various robots! View our Coding & Robotics page for more information about specific programs and robots learners use. To support our focus on technology, each of our learners also have access to their own Chromebook laptop while at our school.
click for full infographic from Oracle Academy
Third, we emphasize the concepts of “inspiration” and “voice” throughout our day. Inspirational messages about what ignites personal purpose and goals are built into our routines. There are many opportunities for our learners to make choices about what inspires them and what they want to learn. Several sessions of “Voyages” throughout the year allow learners to self-select an elective-type course to participate in for several weeks, academic and non-academic. We also believe learners can and should provide feedback about their learning experience, and that it is our responsibility to respond to their voice.
As our Mission Statement explains, our purpose is to create an empowered, diverse, inclusive, and innovative learning community where ALL members have challenging and personalized opportunities to learn, grow, and lead. We are proud of what we have accomplished and are eager to build upon the principles we value. There is work to do, problems to solve, ideas to develop, and room to grow. We look forward to sharing this journey with you!