Learners can check out printed and digital materials from the school library collection using our Destiny catalog system. Click the image above to be taken to the website.
Learners may check out 2 books for a two week period. The login is:
username = student number
password = student first name
During Distance Learning learners can check out eBooks, audiobooks, and interactive books that are all accessible right on the their Chromebooks!
Follow the directions in the video below to learn how to sign in, reserve, and download digital materials.
myON is a student-centered, personalized literacy environment that gives students access to more than 6,000 enhanced digital books. Titles are dynamically matched to each individual student's interests, grade and Lexile® reading level.
Learners can log in to myON through the Clever portal.
Epic is a leading digital reading platform—built on a collection of 40,000+ popular, high-quality books from 250+ of the world’s best publishers. Ask your learner's facilitator for login information.
All learners are eligible to check out print and digital books from the Las Vegas Clark County Library D